The debut season of AMC’s Fear the Walking Dead ended with Nick, a.k.a. Junkie Depp, continuing to be the worst. Also, Liza died, Travis cried, and we learned Abigail isn’t a person, but rather, a CGI yacht. When Fear returns for season two, sometime in 2016, it will pick up soon after the finale.
Showrunner Dave Erickson told the Hollywood Reporter, “There’s too much emotional weight coming off… the loss of Liza and Griselda. We didn’t want to jump too far because there’s an obligation to see the aftermath of that and see how that impacts our characters as they try to wrestle with it.”
Erickson also promises a faster pace (so, fewer scenes with teens looking angry, hopefully), more information about the military’s Cobalt protocol, and “quite a bit of action on the seas, and we’ll split it between land and water.”
Worked out well for this guy.
Can walkers function under water?!
My understanding is that walkers can’t swim. The Governor killed somebody and tossed him into the lake. You see the walker underwater, he’s submerged and is trying to get up. I think there was something weighing him down so he couldn’t float. I have to confirm this with [Fear co-creator] Robert [Kirkman] but walkers can’t swim — I’m sure they’d eventually bloat. (Via)
I would pay good money to see a zombie fight a shark. The winner: Both, because they’d team up and eat Travis. Daniel Salazar and Tobias high-five.
(Via the Hollywood Reporter)