Spoilerzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for season five of Game of Thrones
In less nipple-y Game of Thrones news, it appears as if the TV show is rapidly advancing with Tyrion’s story, which is only a disappointment if you’re a big fan of pigs or crying dwarfs.
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Yep, that’s Tyrion watching the games with Daenerys…as well as Missandei. In the books, Tyrion spent a long time just getting to Meereen — a trip which involved being enslaved, masquerading as a performer, and even joining a group of mercenaries — but he and Daenerys have not yet met face-to-face. Seeing the two characters together, and chummy enough that Tyrion gets a spot of honor next to the queen clearly means Game of Thrones isn’t going to dawdle in telling Tyrion’s journey. (Via)
Now that’s a change I can get behind, so long as we get SOME scenes aboard Shy Maid (the less Daenerys ruling Meereen, the better). But I do wonder how much of this decision is based on David Benioff and D. B. Weiss knowing that Tyrion and Dany might be the show’s two most popular characters. In which case, why not add Hodor and Hot Pie and the Mountain to the scene, too?