A Former ‘Game Of Thrones’ Star Has An Intense Theory For How The Show Should End

Loras Tyrell was one of Cersei’s numerous wildfire victims in the Great Sept of Baelor because, according to actor Finn Jones in a chat with Vulture, “Daenerys is coming to town, and HBO needed to wipe out a bunch of characters so that they could get on with the story and finish it.” Plus, Game of Thrones needed an excuse to write Jones off the show because he’s busy with another project: Marvel’s Iron Fist, which premieres on Netflix in March 2017.

In that same interview, Jones, who’s also set to appear in Marvel’s The Defenders, gave his prediction for how Game of Thrones — which has two seasons left — should end. It’s a bit more complex than, “I dunno, dragons?”

“I’ve had this theory for a while, but I think there needs to be a message with the end of Game of Thrones,” he said. “I think what needs to happen is ice and fire are going to go to war, a huge war between those two factions, and I think in that war, they will destroy themselves. There will be complete chaos, complete destruction. It’ll just be a war-torn map. And I think out of that winter carnage, spring will follow, and what we’ll see is power being given back to the individual realms.” Are you listening, George R.R. Martin?

I think the Iron Throne will be dissolved, both physically and ideologically. A Small Council will be set up — not to take power, but to give power back. Hopefully, a more democratic and more progressive era will arise on Westeros. I think that’s a really nice, positive way to end the story, and I think we need that right now. The world is a really f*cking weird place right now, and we need someone telling a hopeful, positive, progressive story about politics and power. Why not let it be Game of Thrones, one of the most watched shows, if not the most watched show, in the world? Have a real powerful statement that the power should not be in a throne, or in one centralized pinnacle of power. The power should be in individual democracies, in individual communities. It shouldn’t be an oligarchy, or some small group of elite. Power should be with the people and not with some politician or some heir to the throne or some madman. F*ck that. The world’s dying. We really need to take a look at ourselves and decide what’s next. Thrones would be the perfect platform to send a progressive message because right now, our politicians aren’t telling us any truths. It’s hard to find a good, meaningful message, so I think it’s up to storytellers, television shows, and films to have an impact on the world conversation. Is that not what film and television is for? And if not, what is it for? (Via)

That’s a well-reasoned theory, but I still prefer my “I dunno, dragons?”

(Via Vulture)