The distractions keep piling up for George R.R. Martin. As if answering daily questions about a Game of Thrones movie and pulling his hair out over his beloved Jets weren’t enough, now he’s getting another TV show to keep him from finishing books six and seven of the A Song of Ice and Fire series. At least this new series is based on something Martin’s already completed: The 1989 werewolf noir Skin Trade, which Cinemax picked up the rights to.
Here’s what Martin had to say on his Not a Blog.
I am very excited to announce the Cinemax (HBO’s sister company) has optioned the television rights to The Skin Trade, the offbeat “werewolf noir” novella I penned back in the late 80s. The deal is closed, and Cinemax has ordered the pilot script. This being Hollywood, of course, you never know where things will end… but if they like the script, we’ll shoot a pilot, and if they like that, hey, who knows, maybe we’ll get a series on the air. (Via)
The adaptation — about a female private investigator and, yup, a werewolf — will be handled by former Prison Break writer Kalinda Vazquez. According to Martin, “Cinemax and my agents set me up for meetings with close to a dozen different TV writers, many of them very impressive, but Kalinda’s take on the story and the characters blew me away… her pitch to Cinemax was one of the most polished and professional I’ve ever heard.”
I half-expect Winds of Winter, when/if it ever actually comes out, to be 45,290 pages on what would win — a werewolf or direwolf. #TeamDirewolf
(Via Not a Blog)