Watch Ricky Gervais’ Hilariously Raunchy 2016 Golden Globes Monologue

Ricky Gervais made his triumphant return to the stage of the 2016 Golden Globes tonight for the first time since 2012. Many were not sure exactly what to expect, as Gervais is notorious for having been perhaps the harshest host in Globes history during his three-year tenure. But if the seasoned host’s admittedly somewhat-intoxicated red carpet shenanigans — where he admitted that he drinks before, during, and after the show — were any indication, we were all in for a treat.

And Gervais did not disappoint, in what was probably his raunchiest and over-the-line monologue yet, ensuring that he probably won’t (but mostly likely will) be asked back anytime soon. With his usual trademark pint of beer, Gervais greeted the crowd cordially: “Shut up your disgusting, pill-popping, sexually-deviant, scum.” From there, here are some highlights:

  • Pointing out that NBC, the network hosting the Golden Globes, has zero nominations.
  • Timely Caitlyn Jenner crack: “I’ve changed, not as much as Bruce Jenner, obviously.” Later pointing out that while Jenner has done a lot for the trans community, “She didn’t do a lot for women drivers.”
  • An innuendo about the President of the Hollywood Foreign Press “pulling him off.”
  • Making fun of Jeffrey Tambor’s balls.
  • On Spotlight, the film about the Catholic church’s molestation scandal: “Roman Polanski called it the greatest date movie ever.”
  • On pay equality, and taking back the reigns from Tina Fey and Amy Poehler: “I’d like to say now that I’m making exactly the same as Tina and Amy did last year. Now, I know there was two of them, but it’s not my fault if they want to share the money, is it? That’s their stupid fault.”
  • And finally, a joke about shoving one of his Golden Globe trophies up his ass.

Never change, Ricky Gervais.