Nashville star Hayden Panettiere only recently confirmed that she is pregnant after fighting off several months of rumors, as she challenged her unborn baby to take on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in a video on Instagram. Unlike Zoe Saldana, Panettiere didn’t pass up the chance to get wet, but there was definitely a shortage of frozen water in the small trash can that Derek Huff dumped on Wladimir Klitschko’s bride to be. Regardless, Panettiere has since learned that she’s going to have a girl, and the tabloid world is buzzing like crazy now that she showed up to the Emmys red carpet in a dress that definitely highlights her baby bump.
Apparently there’s something else happening with Panettiere’s gown, but I’m not quite sure what everyone is talking about. Fortunately, US Weekly got up close and personal in this Vine recording, but I have to admit that I still can’t put my finger on why people are Tweeting like crazy about her dress.
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