After almost exactly four months off the air, HBO has renewed Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom for a third and final season. In a statement reported by the LA Times, HBO Programming Director Michael Lombardo said about the show:
‘The Newsroom’ is classic Aaron Sorkin — smart, riveting and thought-provoking. I’m sure this farewell season will be one to remember.”
With last season’s finale seeming to put a bow on what Courtney Love’s boyfriend himself has described as a romantic comedy, it’ll be interesting to see where the characters are taken to next. With their emotional treatment of recent events and a confirmed hate-watch status for many people (including myself) it’s sure to at least get people talking.
Behind the scenes The Office writer Paul Lieberstein (who you might know as Toby Flenderson) has been added as an Executive Producer. Maybe this will mean a little less Coldplay playing over hand-wringing and yelling about THE NEWS and a little more Dunderball. We at least know one person who won’t be happy about the change.
Source: LA Times. Banner via Getty Image.