The Identity Of The Supreme On ‘American Horror Story’ Was In The Opening Credits All Along

Where the first two seasons of American Horror Story, “Murder House” and “Asylum,” succeeded in being campy, yet extremely enjoyable messes, “Coven” was a straight-up disaster. The season highlight was either Lily Rabe spinning in circles around Stevie Nicks or Misery’s decapitated head being forced by Precious to watch Roots (or maybe minotaur sex?), neither of which were half as entertaining as MURDER SANTA. No character ever truly died — MAGIC would bring them back, a total cop-out that made it impossible to emotionally invest in any character; if they were killed, they’d be resurrected soon enough — and apparently, the season-long mystery, the identity of the next Supreme (not Diana Ross)? That was in front of our eyes the entire time. We were just too bored to care.

Spoilers for last night’s finale, but c’mon.

Some users on Reddit and Tumblr found a possible easter egg in the opening credits of “Coven” revealing that Cordelia may just be the new Supreme. They identified the image in Sarah Paulson’s credit as Santa Muerte, a folk saint known as “Lady of the Seven Powers,” according to Wikipedia, aka the Supreme. [Turns out, they were right.] Let us not forget that Ryan Murphy has warned us to keep our eyes open for clues in each season’s opening credits. (Via)

I wish it had been MURDER SANTA, instead.

Via Huffington Post