If Men Got Pregnant, You Could Get An Abortion At The ATM: The 9 Best Lines From ‘Veep’

Last night’s episode of HBO’s Veep wasn’t just a straight-up funny episode, but it did a brilliant job of skewering politician’s positions on abortion, and how they try to take a stand by paying lip service to as many constituencies as possible and then not taking a stand at all. Maybe the smartest point made in the episode is that a woman can’t take a position “as a woman” because men hate that, as do women who hate other women, which is most of them. That is a perfect line. Meanwhile, Jonah’s blog continues to propel his plotline (and his glorious douchiness), Mike is finally back from his honeymoon, Dan’s temper nearly cost him his job, and Gary is frustrated with his position as a bag man.

Here were the best lines from the episode.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.