Is ABC Against Letting A Same-Sex Couple Dance Romantically On ‘Dancing With The Stars?’

ABC would prefer that you keep your frightening same-sex dancing away from the bubbling cauldron of heterosexuality that is Dancing With The Stars.

According to TMZ, the American Broadcasting Company has vetoed a performance that would have featured two men dancing together in a romantic fashion. The routine was reportedly originally planned for next week’s appearance from pop tune vendor Who Is Fancy which would include Ariana Grande and Meghan Trainor lending a hand. The idea was for two men to dance together as a couple while Who Is Fancy performed his single “Boys Like You” which is about two guys falling in love.

TMZ says Who Is Fancy’s choreographer contacted ABC to sell the network on how it would “be an awesome look to have 2 males dancing with each other.” The American television giant’s response was a negative. TMZ’s sources say a producer replied with the message: “Apologies all, but this is a definitive no from the network.”

So Paula Deen is not an issue, but two men dancing close together is? Is this a butter thing?

The network hasn’t replied with an official word on the alleged no-go on the choreography, but TMZ does note that “creative conversations are ongoing about the dance number” and that “near dancing” is being given the green light.

By the way, there has been some male-male dancing this season. Alek Skarlatos and Carlos PenaVega danced together to “We Will Rock You” in a manner that ABC determined was acceptable and not going to turn children into werewolves or whatever it is male-male dancing is supposed to do to viewers.

(Via Business Insider)