On Monday night, Jimmy Kimmel gave an impassioned plea directed at those denying climate change; a charge led by the idiot-flag-holding Sarah Palin. In doing so, he pointed out that “climate change is not a liberal vs. conservative thing, but the people who profit from ignoring it want you to believe it is,” before running a PSA featuring real, actual scientists to state, for once and for all: We’re not f*cking with you.
The segment naturally went viral, and as such, Kimmel received a predictable amount of backlash from troglodytes on the internet who claim that you can take denying climate change out of their cold, dead hands. He read just a small sampling of the angry comments fired off at him on Tuesday night, and they’re as spectacularly dumb as you’d expect.
One man addressing “Mr. Kimble” on Facebook says, “If you are so smart many you should get a real job like climate scientist I give up you!. [sic]” Another gentleman boasting a “Cruz 2016” avatar (I hope he hasn’t heard the news!) writes, “Hey Jackass scientists also thought the world was flat do us all a big favor reduce man made gases and shut your yap!!!” And that’s not even getting into the YouTube comments.
On the plus side, due to his little experiment, Kimmel says that he is now kind of okay with global warming wiping out the human race, because as it turns out, we actually deserve it.