Jimmy Kimmel Gets A Rude Awakening After Having Some Questions About ‘Day Without A Woman’

Today’s Day Without A Woman strike seemed to be fairly successful overall. Some schools and businesses shut down due to women taking off for the day in solidarity, while some used the moment to protest and get arrested along the way. According to The New York Times, some felt the protests did have the same impact that the Women’s Marches that followed Donald Trump’s inauguration in January. While it is a little more difficult to calculate how many took part, some critics were quick to say that it spoke to an “inner audience” instead of sending the message out to a larger group.

That’s where this Jimmy Kimmel moment comes in, with the host showing his support for the movement while questioning the meaning behind it all. He’s likely not alone, but it’s doubtful that he’d stand on national television with such questions unless it was for a bit.

To get the point across — and to answer his questions — Kimmel attempts to go to Siri for help. That’s where the rude awakening comes into play, as well as a joke that happened a few too many times on other late night shows. But late night did spend quite a bit of time discussing it and that’s some proof that it at least got some notice from people.

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)