Jimmy Kimmel Perfectly Summed Up Mike Lindell’s Kooky Interview With Trump As ‘Like Watching A Ventriloquist Get Interviewed By His Dummy’

For weeks, crucifix-loving pillow magnate Mike Lindell has been teasing his “historic” interview with Donald “I’m Wearing a Tuxedo for No Discernible Reason” Trump, and this week it finally aired. While it will surely be remembered by all those who witnessed even snippets of it, it’s probably not for the reasons Lindell hoped. On Thursday night, Jimmy Kimmel had a few things to say about the pre-taped interview, which has the production quality of a homemade ‘80s sex tape with none of the charm:

“Mike Lindell, the MyPillow Guy, has been licking master’s butt again. The Pillow Man scored a one-on-one interview with the man who will eventually bankrupt him. Lindell sat down with Trump for 36 rambling minutes last night, it was a quite a sit-down. It was like watching a ventriloquist get interviewed by his dummy.”

Kimmel wasn’t about to subject his audience to the entire Q&A, which was heavy on the A, but he did share some highlights which basically consisted of Trump performing some of his most famous hits, including talking about the border wall, the rigged election, and Obama. Lindell, meanwhile, sat across the table, nodded, and responded “mmm-hmmm” in agreement to everything Trump said.

Kimmel, of course, wasn’t about to let Trump’s formal attire go without comment. “Look at these guys, it’s like Trump is interviewing for the concierge job at the airport Radisson,” he wryly observed, noting that “Tuxedo Trump squeezed this interview in between raids on the fondue fountain at Mar-a-Lago.”

The Jimmy Kimmel Live host went on to note that “Mike Lindell went through every one of his debunked claims of election fraud and the president just ate it up and thanked Mike with a bigly compliment: ‘You are a fighter and I’ll tell you, someday, this country, I really believe someday this country’s going to be very appreciative of what you’ve done.’”

If you just can’t get enough Lindell in your life, Kimmel announced that on Black Friday, the Pillow Man will be hosting “a 96-hour webcast, which Kimmel has dubbed The Mike Lindell Moronathon, “during which he promises to file a lawsuit that will overturn the results of the 2020 election.” Which is something we can all be thankful for.

You can watch the full clip above, beginning around the 2:00 mark.