Jimmy Kimmel Has Made A Ruling On The Great Pineapple Pizza Debate For Once And For All

If there’s one thing that is sure to spark a heated debate among foodies more than whether or not ketchup belongs on a hot dog (or whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich, for that matter), it’s whether or not pineapple belongs on a dang pizza. Pizza purists have argued for ages that pineapple on a pizza is an straight up abomination, while pineapple on pizza fans argue… I don’t know, whatever the argument is for pineapple on pizza.

Lately the debate has been reignited by the President of Iceland claiming that he would actually make pineapple pizza against the law if he had the power to do so, countering this tweet from a pineapple pizza enthusiast that was retweeted over 122,000 times. Even The Good Place creator Michael Schur might be setting up for some pineapple pizza snark next season — which is really the only way he can top fro yo ironically being served in a place that purports itself to be heaven.

So with this debate showing no signs of slowing down, last night Jimmy Kimmel weighed in on the topic, and pineapple pizza haters rejoice, because Kimmel has declared creation — which was actually born in Ontario, Canada, not Hawaii, in the mid-60s — to be a load of crap. “Pineapples do not belong on pizza,” he said, definitively. “I don’t care where you’re from, any pizza that takes pineapple wasn’t a good pizza.”

Well, I guess it’s settled then! We can officially put the pineapple pizza debate to rest. Or not; whatever you eat on your pizza in the privacy of your own home with the curtains closed in the dark is between you and your god.