This weekend’s episode of Saturday Night Live with host Dakota Johnson featured a sketch starring the actress and Taran Killam as a father and daughter parting ways at the airport. The big reveal was that Johnson’s character was leaving to join the terrorist group ISIS. Predictably, the internet outrage machine kicked into gear with some thinking that this went too far. Some people just can’t be satisfied with having neutral emotions.
Killam, for his part, has issued a response to the sketch on Twitter:
Proud of this. Freedom to mock is our greatest weapon. Thanks to the writers who asked not to be mentioned by name.
— Taran Killam (@TaranKillam) March 1, 2015
Note that as jokingly “scared” as he might be, he included the sketch right there in his tweet, so there’s no question that he isn’t kidding about defending it.
Now, where is the sketch about forced internet outrage?
Via Pajiba