Sons of Anarchy and The Bastard Executioner creator Kurt Sutter is taking a mini-break from television to start a comic book series with BOOM! called Lucas Stand. The regular fixture on FX networks says that he originally had the idea of putting the Lucas Stand character on television before realizing that a different medium may work better as a story telling method, and thus steered his creative juices towards a comic book series instead. According to Sutter, the titular character in Lucas Stand is:
“a former military special-ops guy who has done, in the service of his country, some really heinous and violent things, and when he comes back, the integration into society becomes increasingly more difficult for him … he reaches a very low point in his life, and it’s at that point where he intends to take his own life and he’s approached by an entity that makes him a deal.”
So then, just like Johnny meeting the Devil in Georgia, Lucas is offered a deal with Satan to become hell’s hitman and clear his slate a little at a time.
“Every demon he hunts down is cleaning the slate for one of the evil deeds that he’s done.”
For someone who clearly loves death, gore, and bloody violence, a hitman for the devil is right up Sutter’s alley and it’s honestly a surprise that he hasn’t given this type of character a try before now. The series will consist of six issues to start and involve a lot of hellfire and destruction, a combination that is basically catnip for fans of Sutter’s previous work. Plus, for fans who aren’t quite all in on wanting a Sutter comic book, he has the support and assistance of none other Stephen King.
This venture might not be for everyone who loves his TV shows, but at least the journey will be interesting and the outcome will be slightly different than anything he’s done before. Plus, there’s always the SoA spinoff to look forward to if this doesn’t work out in his favor.
(via Variety)