Larry David began his SNL monologue with the most Larry David line:
“You tolerate me.”
The Curb Your Enthusiasm creator (which recently returned after a six-year break) covered many of his favorite topics in tonight’s episode, including dating, the differences between then (keeping a condom in his wallet) and now (holding onto a sheet with the mercury levels of fish), and how he noticed a disturbing trend about sexual predators, including Harvey Weinstein: many of them are Jews. “I consistently strive to be a good Jewish representative,” he said. “I want them to say there goes a fine Jew.”
The fine Jew continued with one of the risker monologue premises in recent years: the difficulty of dating in World War II-era concentration camps. “Would I still be checking out women in the camp?” David joked. “There are no good opening lines in a concentration camp.” He then suggested, “If we ever get out of here, I’d like to take you out for latkes.” Not only was it a bad pickup line, it also upset a lot of SNL viewers, who think it’s always too soon.
“I’m not a Jew,” one Twitter user wrote, “but I’m low-key offended by Larry David’s holocaust jokes on #SNL. Not cool.” This was not an unpopular opinion.
WTF is wrong with Larry David? Did he actually think mixing sexual harassment with concentration camp humor is funny? What a train wreck
— ZionistEntity (@ZionistEntity) November 5, 2017
#SNL What were all involved thinking to let LD do a "checking out the babes in the concentration camp" joke? No pass. Awful. Yikes!
— Brad Jones 🌹 (@joneswb66) November 5, 2017
OMG. Larry David is bombing. This monologue was really painful to watch. Concentration camp jokes? Yikes. Cringing. #SNL #LarryDavid
— Russell Drew (@RussOnPolitics) November 5, 2017
#SNL crossed the line. Concentration camp/holocaust jokes are not funny. Ever. Don't make people laugh at the expense of tragedies & horrors
— Samantha (@samsays1306) November 5, 2017
Doesn’t matter if you’re Jewish, concentration camp jokes aren’t cool. Bad call Larry David
— TamiJoanne (@tamijoanne) November 5, 2017
Larry David can do better than borscht belt style #Jewish jokes on latke & picking up women in a concentration camp. Cringing @ylove #NBCSNL
— Meghan Lapides (@MegletNY) November 5, 2017
OMG. Larry David is bombing. This monologue was really painful to watch. Concentration camp jokes? Yikes. Cringing. #SNL #LarryDavid
— Russell Drew (@RussOnPolitics) November 5, 2017
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