Let’s Talk Tuesday’s Geeky TV: ‘The Flash’ Meets Zoom, ‘Agents Of SHIELD’ Confronts A Traitor

Last week on The Flash, we met Doctor Light, who turns out to be an alternate reality analogue of Barry’s ex, Linda Park. So, of course, they’re going to put her in the line of fire to trap a supervillain who could easily gut her. Notice that even the promo they cut calls this a bad plan.

That said, we are looking forward to more of Earth-2 Harrison Wells, who is somehow even more of a smug, arrogant jackass than the Wells we knew from season one… and that Wells was an actual bad guy! The writers are using him to say everything viewers tend to be thinking, and it’s glorious. We’ll see what the team has going on at 8 p.m. EST on the CW.

Meanwhile, on Agents of SHIELD, Dr. Smooth turns out to be a traitor:

Awwww. I liked Dr. Smooth. Yes, we know the character has an actual name, but he’s played by Blair Underwood. He can’t help it.

Anyway, Underwood turns out to be a double agent of sorts. He’s the “Lash” the team has been hunting that’s been killing Inhumans. Needless to say, this might just screw up the shot he and May had at reconciling. Hopefully, considering how well May and Bobbi got along last episode, that means she and Bobbi have to take some time, go start a spin-off where they beat people up, and leave Hunter to, I don’t know, get beat up by Fitz or something. That’s at 9 p.m. EST on ABC.

Sadly, I’ll be missing out, but don’t hesitate to weigh in, especially if they let Cisco try to help Barry interact with a woman. It all starts at 8 p.m. EST. Join us, won’t you?