Last episode, Harrison Wells returned. Well, the Harrison Wells from an alternate reality climbed into our own, via a door in space that the STAR Labs team apparently just left open. Security protocols are not Caitlin and Cisco’s strong suit.
Anyway, the new Wells is a good guy, or at least far less malevolent than the old one, and wants to stop Zoom, the new evil Flash, from killing Barry. Good luck, Harry, that’s going to be a full-time job. We also see the new Doctor Light, this episode, so that should be a lot of fun, especially as the series has increasingly forced heroes into the role of villains. That arrives at 8 p.m. EST.
At 9 p.m., though, Agents of SHIELD is getting gritty. Well, grittier. We can’t find a good version of the promo, so here’s Ward being not just evil, but also a dick to Powers Boothe.
Have fun with that, Ward. Messing with Powers Boothe is bad for your health.
Last week’s episode was an odd one in that it focused entirely on Simmons surviving on a weird planet with only an astronaut for company. It was a change of pace, and a welcome one not least because Fitz took the fact that the girl he likes boned some dude like an adult instead of the petulant baby he was in season one. Good on you, Fitz. Now go narrowly escape some terrorists after ripping them off.
This episode, though, will deal with the fallout of Blair Underwood’s alleged death at the hands of Baron Von Strucker’s bratty kid, and the fact that Hunter more or less signed his death warrant because he’s less mature than Fitz. I joked last week that every cutaway from Simmons will just be May beating Hunter like a speedbag, but that never happened. So we guess the Hunterpunching begins this week. Hey, remember when Skye was the annoying character on this show? A lot changes in three seasons.
The fun starts at 8 p.m. EST. Join us, won’t you?