Lorraine Toussaint Is Reportedly Returning To Season 3 Of ‘Orange Is The New Black’


Because I am always wrong about everything, here is what I said about the possibility of Lorraine Toussaint’s character Vee returning for season three in my recap of the Orange is the New Black season two finale:

People are questioning whether or not [Vee is] really dead and whether or not her character will be returning. While it hasn’t been confirmed by Netflix one way or the other, let me clear it up for you: No, Vee won’t be coming back. Aside from the fact that the actress who plays Vee, Lorraine Toussaint, has accepted a role on an ABC crime drama — Vee was the Big Bad of season two . . . and met her poetic justice at the end. And for as dumb as this show can be sometimes, I think it’s still far too smart to try to drag out an already beaten dead horse storyline.

Guess what you guys! Lorraine Toussaint is reportedly returning to Orange is the New Black for season three and started shooting this morning! Uggghghhhh! It’s not known yet what capacity her character will be returning, and whether or not Vee survived getting nailed by a speeding van to continue to wreak more tedious cartoonish villainy havoc, or whether we just see her character post-mortem or in a flashback — but I am obviously hoping for one of the two latter.

No offense whatsoever to Lorraine Toussaint, who is a delightful actress . . . But Vee was the worst. And not even in a fun to hate way. More like in a dear god I can’t wait until this heinous bitch finally eats it way.

Please don’t rob us of this, Orange is the New Black. Unless maybe you take Larry in her place. Then we can talk.

(Via TMZ)