Wesley Snipes Had To Protect Michael Jackson From The Rough Streets Of Harlem


We all know that Wesley Snipes is pretty bad ass. Who else can beat down vampires, save a plane full of people from terrorists (or, Terries), and beat up Sylvester Stallone in two different time periods? I’ll answer that: not no one, not never.

Snipes visited The Tonight Show this week — mostly to plug his new show The Player — and his revelation to Jimmy Fallon only extended the already mythological quality of his ass-kicking résumé. Back in 1987, Snipes was building up his acting portfolio, when a successful audition resulted in getting cast for Michael Jackson‘s music video for “Bad.” The filming took place in Harlem, and during the shoot, both dissenters and fans came out the woodwork to voice their opinions on the King of Pop. The New York streets proved to be a little too much for the man with the pet monkey, and he confided in Snipes that he was a little shook.

Check out the video above for Michael’s exact words to Wesley, including Snipes providing a pretty spot-on Michael impersonation.