Mike Myers Resurfaced To Play The Fake Movie Poster Improv Game With Jimmy Fallon

As far as I’m aware last night was the first time Jimmy Fallon has broken out his fake movie poster improv game from Late Night on The Tonight Show, and while this installment isn’t quite Amy Poehler caliber, it is kind of fascinating to watch Mike Myers — he of the super long hiatus — participate in a comedy bit on a late night television show. I think we all have our doubts as to whether the man still has his comedy fastball after all these years (not that it’s needed here) but it’s still nice to see him give it a go and realize he probably hasn’t spent the last decade in rural Canada collecting jars of urine.

I mean, two Wayne Campbell falls!

Below in the second clip Mike discusses what it’s like having his face on Canadian postage stamps and why he’s mildly resurfacing after all this time — his directorial debut for the new documentary Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon (aka “Shep Gordon Has the Best Anecdotes).