The first trailer for Netflix’s new cocaine series Narcos focused mostly on setting the scene. Yes, the show is all about the hunt for notorious cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar, but some 1980s-y context was necessary first… the nightclubs, the dancing, the mustaches, etc. So many mustaches.
With that out of the way, this second trailer introduces us to the actual players in the series, Pablo Escobar and the two DEA agents tracking him down, and what they’re all about. Does it feature Pablo Escobar menacingly smoking cigarettes while lounging in his estate and driving around Colombia in a Jeep? Yes, it features Pablo Escobar menacingly smoking cigarettes while lounging in his estate and driving around Colombia in a Jeep. Are there huge piles of cocaine and briefcases filled with cash? Of course there are huge piles of cocaine and briefcases filled with cash. Do we learn that the preferred method of undercover police work for the character played by Pedro Pascal — the Red Viper from Game of Thrones — involves sleeping with many attractive women who know drug dealers. Yes, we… you get the idea.
Two trailers in, I feel confident in saying this: Narcos — which debuts Aug. 28 — looks like a show that will be very good or that I will watch anyway even if it isn’t.