An Oklahoma-based friend of an Uproxx writer spied this commercial during Monday night’s excellent finale of Better Call Saul (check out our recap here), which pays a perfect tribute to our favorite morally ambiguous lawyer. Attorney Tracy Zahl, a 2001 University of Oklahoma College of Law graduate, took a page from Slippin’ Jimmy’s book with this 30-second spot in which she implores viewers who have been injured in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident to “Better Call Zahl” — complete with an eagle’s triumphant screech of freedom at the end.
What she loses by presenting herself in a suit you don’t need to shield your eyes from, Zahl makes up in moxie. And since she’s a lawyer, I’m sure she’s investigated all of the copyright infringement laws necessary that come with advertising your legal services in a way that parodies a popular AMC television drama.
Let’s hope so, because Zahl even doubled down on the gimmick on her professional website:
This is all well and good, but one question remains: Can she get you off using the Hoboken Squat Cobbler defense? Because after this season of Better Call Saul, that’s really all I’m looking for in an attorney from now on.