Patton Oswalt Tries To Improve Some More Mike Huckabee Jokes On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’

Patton Oswalt returned to Jimmy Kimmel Live to take another stab at some of Mike Huckabee’s “best” Twitter jokes in a stand-up comedy setting. While Oswalt gives it his all, the results are not that great and really highlight the weakness of the material we’re getting from the former Arkansas governor these days.

The former presidential candidate has enjoyed some of the spotlight in these recent months thanks to his online presence and his daughter, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, so it’s fitting that Oswalt would jump back into the dad jeans and comfortable sneakers to really give the jokes their best shot at glory. We’ve got Huckabee classics about taking a knee in church, another about CNN “breaking wind” instead of breaking news, and a very long one about finding Hillary Clinton’s emails in a box of cereal. It’s a wild trip that forces Oswalt to pull a Trump and get a drink of water midway, but he soldiers through.

It’s the fun, light prelude to Oswalt’s interview with Kimmel that heads into more personal territory with his hesitation to return to the stage for his new comedy special and his recent marriage and courtship with Meredith Salenger. It’s a shorter interview than we’ve gotten in past appearances in late night, but it is always nice to see him talk the art of comedy and drop jokes about random geeky things and food throughout.