It Turns Out People Mostly Used The ‘Stranger Things’ Title Generator For Vulgar Purposes

If you didn’t see this coming when the Stranger Things title generator was released earlier this month, then you must be new here. You see, when spotted a blank slate of which to be creative with, the internet can always be counted on to make penis jokes, Harambe jokes, or all of the above. Mostly all of the above. Always all of the above? Not often, though, do we have a nifty bubble chart to tell us just how collectively ridiculous you are all being. This is one of those rare times. Don’t try to change the subject, you know what you did.

In this instance, two weeks ago the people at the creative studio Nelson Cash gifted us The site consisted of a title generator that let anyone (you!) plug in two words of which were then transformed into a graphic identical to that of the show’s ’80s themed typeface. Nelson Cash has since analyzed the data they compiled based on what people entered into the generator — and spoiler alert — you’re a bleeping child. Not totally unexpected, but we’re still disappointed in you.

According to Nelson Cash of all the words that were plugged into the title generator, these were the most entered:

  • “Things” was entered over 50,000 times
  • “F*ck” was entered over 26,700 times
  • “Dick” was entered over 11,900 times
  • “Butt” was entered over 9,500 times
  • “Harambe” was entered over 9,300 times
  • “Nudes” was entered over 4,800 times
  • “Trump” was entered over 3,500 times
  • “Clinton” was only entered 523 times

Sigh. Harambe didn’t die for this, you guys.

Apparently, “Dicks Out For Harambe,” “Manda Nudes” (Send nudes in Portuguese), and “butt stuff” were some of the most popular phrases plugged into the generator by totally mature people with pure intentions. Really bad, you guys. Funny, but bad. I like to imagine the above picture is the actual face of Eleven when being told you used futuristic technology to request nude images in Portuguese.