All The Gaseous GIFs From This Week’s ‘Rick And Morty’

This week’s Rick and Morty dealt with gas and… wait a minute.

We had to drop off Jerry at the Jerryboree, to play with the other Jerrys.

That’s better. Morty saw Rick handling some shady business.

While Rick had his day mapped out…

… Morty was still holding a grudge about the whole selling weapons thing.

He also sucked at Roy.

So, Morty set out to save Krombopolous Michael’s target, a telepathic gaseous being that prefers to be called Fart.

Rick reluctantly helped with the escape.

It turned out that Fart can also provide some far-out environments…

… and alter matter.

And while Fart couldn’t predict Gear Head’s betrayal…

… it still proved pretty powerful.

After all of that, Morty found out that Fart would gather his fellow gasses to eliminate all carbon-based life. This left him no choice but to say goodbye forever.

It also opened up Rick for a fart joke.

As for Jerry, he learned that the outside can be a hassle…

… and that infinite timelines can lead to all sorts of things.

Also, Ball Fondlers remains a show worth watching.