‘Iron Helps Us Play!’ The Rod And Todd Flanders Moments Every ‘Simpsons’ Fan Loves

Ah, Rod and Todd Flanders, everyone’s favorite creepy religious children. We all know kids like them. Hell, some of us were kids like them. Which is probably why they hold such a special place in the hearts of so many Simpsons fans. Let’s travel back through the archives and enjoy some classic Rod and Todd moments, shall we?

“We flushed your sin sticks down to hell!”

Do your part and make “iron helps us play” the new “Lisa needs braces!”

That musta been some offensive tie!

“Well, you knew I had a temper when you married me.”

Not an inaccurate depiction of some religious folks’ opinions on Harry Potter.

Of course, they’re little pervs, too. Of course.

I expect that kind of language at Denny’s, but not here!


And who could forget this bit of unreliably sourced journalism?
