Nathan Fielder Has Been Sneaking Lewd Images Into His Instagram Pictures For Weeks

The second season of Comedy Central’s Nathan For You premieres next Tuesday, July 1. While there are many ways to promote the return of your critically acclaimed sketch series, it appears as though the show’s star, Nathan Fielder, may have found the best: opening up an Instagram account and posting a series of ordinary seeming pictures that all feature a tiny, semi-hidden image of an old man masturbating.

Oh, did you not realize that’s what you were looking at in the banner image? Look closer. And then look at the three other pictures on his Instagram dating back three full weeks. Yup, each one. A 100% sneaky dong rate. And there was actually a fourth picture up for a little while featuring the same image clear as day in the rearview mirror of his car, but it appears as though Instagram got wise to that one and pulled it down. The lesson here is that Nathan Fielder remains very good at Internet pranks.

Anyway, do you want to know what my favorite part of all this is? I’ll tell you. It’s that Nathan Fielder got the big fancy New York Times Magazine profile treatment about two weeks ago, and while he was being introduced to the high-minded, longread-inclined readership of the glossy version of this country’s paper of record, there was a picture on his Instagram that contained a hidden image in the reflection on his sunglasses of an old, Santa-looking man pleasuring himself. The man is a rascal. I hope he never changes.

NOTE: We’re putting a couple of the pictures from Nathan’s photo series on the next page, because the old man dong is a little less obscured. OBVIOUS WARNING: the photos might be NSFW.