The reaction to Stephen Miller’s appearances on the Sunday morning political talk circuit was mixed at best. Some people were quick to call it a disaster, the administration praised him for keeping the message intact, and almost everybody else wanted to mercilessly make fun of him.
Stephen Miller is just Buster Bluth if he died inside and developed an unquenchable taste for xanax and human blood.
— mr. “just joined a new forum” (@Papapishu) February 13, 2017
Nobody had a timely comment on Gen. Michael Flynn’s resignation from the Trump administration, so Miller’s Sunday antics and Trump’s meeting with Shinzo Abe took the attention for the late night shows. The Late Show decided to make fun of Miller by showing that he is willing to defend the Trump administration’s political stances on any show at any time. If you don’t want to see Miller on ABC News or Meet The Press, tune in to watch him pal around with Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory. Looking for some thrills? Take in Miller’s appearance on The Walking Dead before it ends rather quickly.
The Late Show sends Miller all around, including Netflix’s Stranger Things and as a literal talking head on Game Of Thrones. If the show ended up courting some controversy by using a head that looked like President George W. Bush, imagine what they’d get if they digitally inserted Stephen Miller as a reanimated head or The Night King.
Though, if it turned out that The Night King is Stephen Miller we shouldn’t be surprised.
(Via The Late Show)