‘Supergirl’ Will Have A Cape, And Some Interesting Uses For Toyman

CBS’ Supergirl is rapidly becoming more interesting as we learn more about it. One of the more curious aspects is just what it has in store for Toyman.

Toyman is one of those DC villains where they keep reinventing him, and nothing quite works. He’s been a goofy villain, a creepy child molester, a creepy robot molester, and whenever a reboot doesn’t quite work, they go back to one and insist the last Toyman was a robot built by the real Toyman. For this go-round, they’ve decided to not make him a villain at all.

Some audition videos posted online and swiftly taken down reveal Toyman, or at least Winslow Schott, will be part of Supergirl’s support team… right down to making her cape. He is, of course, a hacker and in love with Supergirl. He also happens to be a sensitive guy raised by a lesbian couple with a stoner roommate.

Honestly, one hopes there’s a rewrite happening right now. Here’s a sample of dialogue the actors auditioned with:

Supergirl: Match.com guy. We’re 82 percent compatible, so I think it should be good. He likes Soul Cycle.

Wynn: You hate Soul Cycle.

Supergirl: That must be part of the other 18 percent.

Wynn: You know, you can’t quantify emotion based on an algorithm.

Supergirl: You’re I.T., isn’t your whole life based on algorithms?

Wynn: Yes, so if there was an algorithm for love, I would know about it. Just like you’ll know it when it hits you. It’ll be like, POW!

It’s like Ollie and Felicity! Which is not necessarily a good thing! But we’ll find out next year: CBS has committed to an entire season, hopefully with better dialogue than this.