The Most Punchable Looks From Last Night’s Teen Choice Awards (And The Morning Links)

So. The Teen Choice Awards happened last night on Fox, much to the dismay of those looking forward to months-old Family Guy repeats. (To be fair, Family Guy does have the best ever Teen Choice Awards parody, as seen above, though that’s largely due to a lack of competition.) Professionally speaking *slicks hair soaked in gel*, a lot of stupid people wore a lot of stupid things. The most punch-worthy are below. (Pics via)

Deadmau5 Calls Out Playboy Model On Twitter For Making Awful Dark Knight Rises Joke — (Uproxx)

‘Whatchu Know ‘Bout Goosebumps?’: Video Explains Why The ’90s Kind Of Sucked — (Uproxx)

Ranking The Most Punchable Faces On ‘Rich Kids Of Instagram’ — (Uproxx)

The Superman Man of Steel teasers are now online — (Film Drunk)

Shocking Site News: We’re Perverts — (With Leather)

5 Ideas For The Inevitable New Batman Movie Trilogy — (Gamma Squad)

Remember When LoLa Monroe Used To Get Sorta Naked For A Living? — (Smoking Section)

10 Movies That Had the Misfortune To Open The Same Weekend As A Mega-Blockbuster — (Pajiba)

Quite Simply, The Best Bathroom Sign I’ve Ever Seen — (BuzzFeed)

19 Comedians Confronting Hecklers — (Huffington Post)

Creepy Ex-Lover of the Day — (The Daily What)

The Jeggings Gang Gets Pre-Torn Jeans — (College Humor)

9 Intriguing Excerpts From Old FBI Files — (Mental Floss)

Dear President Obama, please grow some balls and stand up for gun control — (Death + Taxes)

The week’s best photojournalism — (The Week)

Why You Should Never Ask 4chan for Photoshop Help — (HyperVocal)

The ten greatest superhero films of all time — (Fark)

Miss Girls? Here Are 15 Movies and TV Shows You Should Watch in the Meantime — (Unreality Mag)

Spicy Reaction GIFs to the World’s Hottest Vodka — (Guy Speed)

Packers Guard TJ Lang Has a Message For His Co-Workers — (Bro Bible)

But, as ever, Justin Kirk saved the day:

I can’t wait to get home and eat that monkey.