Here’s an extended trailer for the American version of “Skins” that will air on MTV. It shows teenagers drinking and smoking pot and hooking up at a party that looks way better than any party I went to during high school (in reverse, for some reason. I guess that makes it artistic or something.) Of course, my high school experience was mostly rehearsing for the spring musical, editing the school newspaper, reading Asimov, and crushing the SAT so I could go to college far away and never see the cool kids again. So maybe I’m not the best barometer here.
Anyway, if you’re not familiar with “Skins,” the British version has intensely loyal fans who are all uppity about the American remake. If you happen to encounter someone who’s upset about that, go ahead and punch them in the genitals. For the love of God, it’s a show about teenagers screwing, not King Lear.