The 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' Porn Parody Knows a Sucker When It Sees One

The question isn’t why is there a “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” porn parody. The question is: Why has it taken so long? The Whedon universe is rabid; they will watch and buy anything with the smell of “Buffy.” Adam & Eve pictures should already be on their 10th porn sequel by now, and the great thing is: There’s a hundred different plotlines they could recycle. Just stay away from the episode where Buffy’s mom dies, cause that’s a total boner killer.

The movie, naturally, is directed by Josh Wheldon. Here’s the logline:

Buffy and her friends are back to protecting the Valley from things that go bang in the night. After Willow accidentally casts a love potion that awakens her friends’ libidos & some dark supernatural forces, the gang tries to save Giles from a pack of evil & beautiful female vampires. Will they succeed, or will they get sucked to death?

Get it? Sucked to dea … oh, nevermind. Just watch the SFW trailer.
