‘The Daily Show’ Suggests A Way To Help To Avoid The Next Harvey Weinstein

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The Daily Show continued its stay in Chicago this week and got back to normal after a slight detour to discuss the fisticuffs that derailed the Chicago Bulls on Tuesday. After addressing some Windy City news, Trevor Noah expanded to the nation and the audition process for Donald Trump’s highly-touted border wall with Mexico. That clip is below, but the idea that the wall is getting its own reality TV showdown seems a little outrageous. But it’s only the 50th most outrageous thing we’ve gotten from this presidency at this point.

The wall discussion leads directly in the latest addition to the Harvey Weinstein scandal, expanding the scope from Weinstein to discuss how it is a men problem that is bigger than Hollywood and its elite. This brings out Michelle Wolf to take advantage of the show’s deskless setup this week to compare the experiences of women to a Tough Mudder, adding that “instead of mud, it’s dicks.” She lays out her solution for combating the growing problems with men in power taking advantage of women, suggesting that if a man is caught sexually harassing in the office he should be fired and replaced with a woman.

Who knows if that would work or how it would change things, but it is likely better than what we’ve been running with for the past 60 years. If the #MeToo movement online and the wave of women opting to speak out now instead of continuing to remain silent are a sign of things changing, maybe something like Wolf’s suggestion would push it over the cliff.

Trevor Noah’s idea of building a wall around Harvey Weinstein like something out of the sins is also an interesting idea.

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(Via The Daily Show)