The Internet Lost Its Collective Mind Over Last Night’s ‘The Walking Dead’

The Walking Dead has pulled some ballsy moves before — like having the ostensible co-lead of the show die after giving birth — but nothing quite like what happened in last night’s penultimate episode of the season, “East.”

In one quick scene, the show managed to frighten its core, rioting fanbase, even though, as we learned from the Glenn fiasco, what we think happened probably didn’t actually happen. Dustin will have more on this in his recap — including whether an “OMG” moment is worth another week of is he/isn’t he questions — but until then, let’s see how the rest of the Internet reacted to Dwight shooting Daryl (who probably saved himself from Negan’s bat).

TV critic Alan Sepinwall wrote that, barring a stupendous season finale, he’s probably done with The Walking Dead (“I spent most of tonight’s episode actively rooting for the death of all the characters who had stupidly left the security of Alexandria because the plot needed them to… I think I’ll be happier walking away after that”). Twitter agrees, although for a different reason.


That wasn’t even the most shocking thing to happen in the episode.

I’m pretty sure that was Rick’s first apple ever.