Start Worrying About Your Favorite Characters Because ‘The Walking Dead’ Will ‘Thin The Herd’ In Season 8

The Walking Dead knows a thing or two about killing off characters. Sometimes to the point where fans give up the series, but death will never be kicked out of the TWD‘s universe. (This offer is not always applicable to the undead.) One actor from the resilient AMC obsession says season 8 will keep the kills coming.

Speaking with, actor Steven Ogg (who has done a bang-up job of playing Simon on the series) warns that the current roster of familiar faces is going to shrink. Asked by the outlet about the prospective death tally coming, Ogg offered this about the “All Out War” story arc that’s making the leap from comics to cable.

“Yeah, I mean s—, it’s like whenever people say, ‘Are you going to die? Or do you know yet?'” Ogg said. “Yeah, everyone’s going to die at some point, right? They all die.”

Such a fact leads Ogg to a powerful description of the season. “Yeah, let’s thin the herd, man, let’s thin the herd,” Ogg said.

Ogg, who now enjoys series regular status on the undead drama, didn’t offer up any clues on who will get 86’d in the upcoming season, so it might be best to start worrying (or getting excited) in advance. As for his experience as a cast member, Ogg had nothing but glowing things to say about the The Walking Dead team.

“They make it feel, and this extends throughout, really, everyone — production, and cast — there’s no feeling like you’re lesser than. Andrew [Lincoln] is number one on the call sheet, and he is number one and he sets the tone, and it just bleeds over to everyone,” said Ogg. “That everyone is just so great and there’s no, you’re just this person, or your number 300 on the call sheet, it doesn’t matter. Everyone is in this together, and you feel it. You feel the team, you feel the love, you feel the support and the trust, and I think it’s what really makes it special. I think it reflects on the show, too.”

Season 8 of The Walking Dead is slated to premiere on AMC on October 22 and see the show hit the 100 episodes mark. One star’s already shared a bit too much about what’s to come, though.
