The still untitled companion series to The Walking Dead will have its first trailer aired this Sunday after the 90 minute season 5 finale airs. According to ScreenFad, the clip will air during the new episode of Talking Dead. It’s worth noting Chris Hardwick’s guests for the night will be Scott Gimple and Norman Reedus.
There has been a lot of recent speculation over who dies next on the series. Norman Reedus warned us all to get the kleenex. Given AMC’s proclivity to have guests on the after-show right after their characters meet their maker, I’m left wondering yet again — is Daryl going to die in the finale?
I guess sitting through Talking Dead for a promo of the new kinda prequel spinoff series ain’t that bad. I mean, remember when we had to sit through episodes of Low Winter Sun for those new Breaking Bad clips?
(Source: ScreenFad)