Uh Oh… ‘America’s Next Top Model: All-Stars’ Is Coming

The CW renewed five of its shows yesterday, which has to be great news for everyone from teenage girls to grown women who act like teenage girls. Most notable in this news was the revelation that after years of increasingly dull cycles, “America’s Next Top Model” would finally have an All-Star edition.

First off, America’s Next Top Model will return with an All-Stars edition, featuring previous model hopefuls who were “breakout characters” and who “had the most memorable stories from past cycles.” Our question: Does that mean they’ll be bringing back the girls who had the most potential to make it in the modeling world? Or will they concentrate on the people who brought the most drama?  [LA Times]

Considering that one of the girls who WON a cycle served me coffee in Brooklyn a couple years ago, I figure the show will aim for drama. And that means we’re destined to see Jade Cole (pictured), the Cycle 6 villain who showed up telling everyone how hot she was and then spent the next twelve weeks being told she looked like a tranny. Good times.

[Video via https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lKd5heULJGY“>BuzzFeed]