Adult Swim, home of two of the funniest shows on television, Rick and Morty and The Venture Bros, announced its lineup of upcoming original series and specials today. As is Adult Swim’s wont, there’s some bonkers stuff in there that no other network would ever touch, like Mr. Neighbor’s House (a live-action children’s show starring Brian Huskey as a Mister Rogers’-type host, “except that he is barely able to contain the suppressed rage boiling underneath his quiet demeanor”) and Lazor Wulf, which “follows a wolf who carries a laser on his back and believes that love has no limit, that wearing do-rags gives you power, and that Gawd is a lie.” I can’t wait.
Neither can fans of The Walking Dead and Les Claypool theme songs for this:
In keeping with the tradition of working with major franchises such as the DC Comics universe, the Emmy-winning team behind Robot Chicken joins forces with the creators of The Walking Dead to bring fans an all new and extra bloody half-hour special. Robot Chicken creators Seth Green and Matthew Senreich and their Stoopid Buddy Stoodios partners, John Harvatine IV and Eric Towner, will bring an animated zombie apocalypse to Adult Swim with The Walking Dead‘s creator/executive producer Robert Kirkman and showrunner/executive producer/writer Scott M. Gimple.
Robot Chicken‘s stop-motion Star Wars spoofs were a huge (and very entertaining) success, and there’s no reason to think parodying the biggest show on television won’t be just as popular. It also means Family Guy should get around to doing its Walking Dead homage a few months later.
In related zombie news, AMC has teamed with Topps to make physical and digital cards for The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. (“I’ll trade four Carls for one Maggie!”) The Walking Dead: Card Trader app features “new digital card releases on a daily basis, covering the entire history of The Walking Dead,” according to a press release, “from Rick’s initial discoveries in abandoned Atlanta during season one, to the suspenseful introduction of Negan in the season six finale.” Unfortunately, the digital Negan card is only half finished. You’ll have to wait seven months for the rest.