Friends With Benefits (NBC, Friday) — Series premiere. Apparently, NBC is going for the “easily fooled by bait-and-switch” demographic with this from the movie? Because Mila Kunis in a bra and shirtless Justin Timberlake is good for business. This is how you become a professional blogger.
Whisker Wars (IFC, Friday) — Series premiere. Watch a preview here. It actually looks pretty good — I guess that’s what happens when you put IFC in charge of a reality show about weirdos instead of TLC.
Falling Skies (TNT) — Season finale. More like FAILING Skies! Nah, I guess it’s okay — but man, I stopped caring about this show in a heartbeat.
Body Heat (Cinemax, Friday) — Kathleen Turner’s film debut. Learn why she was once considered a sex symbol. And if you don’t have Cinemax, this webpage should serve as a nice cheat sheet (thumbnails are small but NSFW).
Breaking Bad (AMC, Sunday) — I missed last week’s episode because of travel, so I’m pretty stoked for this Sunday. DOUBLE FEATURE!!!
Hillbilly Handfishin’ (Animal Planet) — Series premiere. People in the Ozarks stick their arms into the equivalent of muddy glory holes, hoping to pull out catfish and not, say, snapping turtles or cottonmouths. Also note: as I mentioned when I wrote about this before, handfishing is also known as “catfisting, grabbling, graveling, hogging, dogging, gurgling, tickling, and stumping” — each of which HAS to be a filthy sex act of some kind. I gotta check Urban Dictionary.