What We’ll Miss The Most About ‘Parks And Rec’ Based On Last Night’s Episode

Every week during this unfortunately abbreviated final season of Parks and Recreation, we’ll count off the things we’ll miss the most about that goddamn delight of a TV series. It’s an all-time great sitcom in its seventh year; there’s no reason to pick it apart and criticize things it MAYBE could have done differently. I’d rather just enjoy seeing Amy Poehler and Chris Pratt on my television screen for as long as they’ll be there. Which is only three more weeks. Oh god.

1. “Well, bully for you, son.” Whenever Ron uses an old-timey saying that we should bring back.

2. Jen Barkley is a character I wish we had seen more of. Kathryn Hahn is the best, of course, but Jen’s the rare female sitcom character who doesn’t care about getting married or having kids; all she wants is to spend her time doing what she wants to do, “because I don’t have children.”

3. He didn’t drop a BABA BOOEY, but Drunk Ben is the best Ben.


5. Meeting the Meagles. There’s Ginuwine, obviously.

And now we know her brother is played by ?uestlove!

Shame we couldn’t see her third-cousins, K-Ci & JoJo.