What’s On Tonight: Say Goodbye To The Bone Zone

Delocated (Adult Swim, 12:30 a.m.) — Series finale. We are NOT having a good time.

The Big Bang Theory (CBS, 8 p.m.) — This doesn’t sound rape-y at all: “Leonard, Sheldon, and Wolowitz talk to junior high girls about science-related careers.” The answer to all the young ladies’ questions: “You are sodium fine.”

Community (NBC, 8 p.m.) — It’s the Turkey Day episode, in which the gang goes over to Shirley’s house and Jeff reunites with his father (James Brolin). Man, being thankful for things in March just feels wrong.

Glee (Fox, 9:30 p.m.) — Oh good, Glee‘s back, and the show’s celebrating its 500th song. Or perhaps more accurately, the 315th time Glee has stolen someone else’s arrangement.

Archer (FX, 10 p.m.) — “Archer heads to the Mexican border to capture a notorious coyote.” When I was in New Mexico recently, I saw a roadrunner. My exact reaction: “HOLY SH*T THOSE THINGS ARE REAL,” followed by disappointment that when they run away, they didn’t leave a puff of smoke behind.

LATE NIGHT GUESTS: Kobe Bryant and Dominic Monaghan on Kimmel; Zach Braff and Alison Brie on Ferguson; James Franco and Robert Kirkman on Conan; Tom Coughlin on Stewart; and John Sexton on Colbert.