You Can’t Argue That Kiefer Sutherland Doesn’t Have a Sense of Humor

You can certainly debate the quality of his sense of humor, but the above card — posted on his Twitter account — at least reaches for humor-like substance. As you may remember, in 2006, Sutherland was roundly mocked when — during the filming of his documentary I Trust You To Kill Me (a pretty decent music doc) — Sutherland got hammered at a hotel and attacked a Christmas tree. His holiday card is a perfect mockery of the incident except the “Just Kidding,” which is unnecessarily redundant.

Yes. I am that pedantic. However, Sutherland’s holiday card is not my favorite of this season. No. Not that one. No, God no! No that one, either. This one is the best of the year, so far. Christmas is coming, b*tch.