Would You Like To Own A Copy Of The Beatles’ ‘White Album’ Signed By Charles Manson?

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If you’re one to collect weird serial killer memorabilia or you just have a completionist attitude towards the work of The Beatles, here’s an item for you: A copy of The Beatles’ classic White Album is currently for sale on iOffer for the cool sum of $49,000. Why so much? It’s the copy signed by The Manson Family, including crazy old lovebird Charles Manson.

Charles Manson famously took The Beatles album and scrambled the meanings all up in his brain until they spewed out of him as warnings on the coming race war. The title of the song “Helter Skelter” was written on the fridge at the Labianca murder scene, the second of two grisly murders committed by The Manson Family in August of 1969. That connection led the person who originally owned this album to travel to each prison and obtain the signatures of those involved, as noted in the description from the sale website:

The Beatles “White Album” signed on the front cover by Charles Manson, Susan Atkins, Leslie Van Houten, Charles “Tex”Watson and Pat Krenwinkel.

The White Album of course contains thesong “Helter Skelter”, very significant to the whole Manson saga. All are signed in blue ballpoint or biro pen except Leslie VanHouten, who is signed in black. Manson added the inscription: “Can you live in sin or in it LAST WORD-NO easy, Charles Manson” and added a swastika through his signature. The signatures were obtained by a gentleman who was at one time associated with the Manson family at the Spahn Ranch, I choose not to post this name here. He acquired them at the respective prisons where they are incarcerated in California, including Corcoran State Prison, and the California Correctional Institution for women. The top and bottom seams are cut through with a knife, as the album was checked for possible contraband as it was brought into the prison.

If you were curious, this sale doesn’t fall under the Son of Sam law, as Manson and any of the other members of his clan aren’t profiting from the sale. But it’s a bit shady to see the price so high on an item that you could go buy at the store right now and hasn’t been fondled by a psychopath. Then again, maybe that’s your thing. I don’t think Charlie cares too much:


(Via Dangerous Minds / iOffer)