Producers prepping 6 Fast 6 Furious? HELL YES, TYRESE GOTTA EAT!

(*drifts up in Smart Car, commando rolls up to curb*)  5 Fast 5 Furious hits theaters in April 11th, so I hope you’re ready, Playboy!  But do you think the producers are waiting until then to start talking sequel?  OH HELL NAW!  WE LIVE LIFE A QUARTER MILE AT A TIME!  (*snorts line, puts baseball cards in spokes*)


[Says producer Neil Moritz] “In Vin and my mind we already know what the sixth movie is, we’ve already been talking about it.  Vin and I have had numerous conversations about what that might be. And we’re starting to get serious about it right now. We just finished the movie like 4 or 5 weeks ago and we just needed a break, and now we’re gonna start focusing on that.”

And if 6 Fast 6 Furious doesn’t grease your gear shift, there’s also talk of a spinoff franchise starring The Rock’s character.

Finally, when I spoke to Dwayne Johnson earlier this year, he told me that the goal was to branch off his character into his own movie.  I asked if Moritz had already started getting a script together: “No we have not started, but we are about to.”

Wait, didn’t The Rock’s character just show up?  That’d be like a Jersey Shore spinoff starring Dina (which would be preposterous, I don’t think I have to tell you).  Oh well.  I’m into it if they can get Parkour Dog.