Wanna win a weird-ass DVD?

Our friend Evan Husney from Severin films has an eye for obscure 80s trash and sleaze the likes of which has no equal (see also: the special-needs transvestite cocaine dance party, Nicole Kidman’s lost BMX film, the world’s most sensual pool hall), and his latest contribution is this clip from Sledgehammer, which Severin is releasing through their intervision sub-label on Tuesday (order here).  I’ve got three copies of the DVD to giveaway to anyone who can answer the question after the jump.  First, the rundown:

Severin Films today announced an agreement with the estate of Larry Gold, Sr. to handle all future production and marketing for Intervision Picture Corporation. The arrangement commences with the 5/10 release of 1983’s SLEDGEHAMMER, notorious as the first shot-on-tape ‘slasher’ thriller for the then-exploding home video market. Gold, a pioneer of ‘70s film distribution and ‘80s genre VHS, died in March following a massive coronary at his home in Thailand.

The 5/10 release of SLEDGEHAMMER marks the return of director David A. Prior’s bizarre video shocker, which was celebrated as part of Los Angeles’ Cinefamily ‘Homemade Horror’ series and will be screened on street-date at Austin’s Alamo Drafthouse. Future Intervision releases include the 1989 ‘Canuxploitaion’ oddity THINGS and 1993’s disturbing THE SECRET LIFE: JEFFREY DAHMER.

I’ve got a clip below, and like everything Evan sends me, including pictures of his peen, it will probably give me nightmares.

First three to answer correctly get a DVD:

What popular magazine featured “extensive” coverage of SLEDGEHAMMER star Ted Prior in 1984?

Send your answers to me (lance@filmdrunk.com).

UPDATE: Contest closed. Congratulations, Chris, John, and Oscar. The answer was Playgirl. I hope you googled it with SafeSearch off.