‘Take Shelter’ looks kinda badass

If you liked Michael Shannon as a Jew-drowning secret masturbator on Boardwalk Empire (AND WHO DIDN’T!), you’ll LOVE him as a possibly-schizophrenic family man with visions of apocalyptic storms in Take Shelter.  Writer/Director Jeff Nichols’ second feature played to rave reviews at Sundance and Cannes, and come this October, it’ll be available even to the non-fart-huffing trust-fund-hipster public at large (provided they live near a Landmark theater, I’m guessing).  Co-starring fellow Boardwalk actor Shea Whighum (is it weird to point out that the guy who played the police chief on Boardwalk Empire is named “Whighum”? Like Chief Whighum?) and that chick with the big jugs from Eastbound & Down (Katy Mixon, if you want to get all PC about it), the plot concerns Shannon’s all-consuming plans to build a tornado shelter in his basement, and the trailer release seems perfectly timed to capitalize on deadly tornado season. Pret-tay, pret-tay clever.

Hey, remember when you poo-pooed my plans for a storm shelter? Well who’s the crazy one now, you dumb bitch?

I’m sorry, but even when I see this:

All I can think about is this:

Or this:

Weird, that’s the same face Chodin makes. Boy, between Boardwalk and Game of Thrones, HBO is really campaigning for that “Gratuitous Hate F*ck” Emmy. [via WarmingGlow]