General Dog orders you to enjoy these links

General Dog says bite yourself! Not like that! With my teeth, numbnuts! |via Roboshark|


The best of “draw me like one of your French girls.” |Uproxx|

Arrested Development meets Game of Thrones. |Uproxx|

Kate Upton is good at commercials. |WarmingGlow|

The Pirates are finally in second: a retrospective of 18 losing seasons. |WithLeather|

Thanks to Dark Knight sequel stunt mishaps, it’s raining men. |GammaSquad|

Bill Simmons is God of Hollywood. |KissingSuzyKolber|

Reese Witherspoon has a secret vagina tattoo. |TheSuperficial|

This is just a good DVR description. |Videogum|

Jay Leno’s Casey Anthony Joke bombs. Then he tells the same joke again and everyone laughs, probably because his audience is made of seals. |TheDailyWhat|

Neat short: “Banana Motherf*cker!” |GorillaMask|

Dumb things people say in the bookstore. |Buzzfeed|

Headlines you’ll be reading the day after Charlie Sheen headlines the Gathering of the Juggalos. |HolyTaco|

Comedy Central is set to roast Charlie Sheen, because the Comedy Central exec who plans roasts doesn’t understand the concept of roasting. Hey! Who’s an easy joke we could kick while he’s down! Perfect, now invite Snooki! |ScreenJunkies|

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After the jump: Do you know Dr. Miracles? He has magical powers, but if you need healing, you can’t be a prude.