Marvel Partnering with Netflix for Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones serieses

I haven’t been watching Agents of SHIELD because I don’t trust network TV to not be terrible, so I like the idea that Marvel is partnering with Netflix for four new superhero shows. Announced today, the partnership stipulates at least 13 episodes of four new serieses to air 2015, to focus on Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage. Seriously though, who the hell is Jessica Jones? Wasn’t that a Clash song?

Buck up, networks, you’ll always have Al Roker’s live prostate exam.

“This serialized epic expands the narrative possibilities of on-demand television and gives fans the flexibility to immerse themselves how and when they want in what’s sure to be a thrilling and engaging adventure,” Alan Fine, president of Marvel Entertainment, says in a statement. The series will all be set in Hell’s Kitchen, New York, and will unfold over several years. Their world is said to be a gritty one as well, though Marvel’s series have largely straddled the line between realistic worlds and comic book-style fun.

At least 13 episodes of each series will be produced, and — like all good Marvel series — they’ll eventually come together for a special event. For Netflix, that event will be a mini-series called The Defenders, though there’s no word on just how long it’ll run. [TheVerge]

The deal comes years after Marvel teamed with Twilight writer Melissa Rosenberg to develop AKA Jessica Jones, a drama revolving the hero at ABC that never went anywhere. Beyond the Netflix pact, Marvel is also prepping a potential series revolving around Agent Carter, based on a one-shot included on the Iron Man 3 Blu-ray featuring Captain America‘s Hayley Atwell. A network is not yet attached. [THR]

Now that this stuff’s on Netflix, can we stop pretending that it’s for kids? Premium OnDemand television is great at two things: serialized drama and gratuitous nudity. Exactly what comic book adaptations have always been missing. Thought it’s going to be tough to beat Orange is the New Black‘s record of a naked lesbian shower scene in the first 30 seconds. You can do it!

Might I suggest Terry Crews for Luke Cage? Especially if he hangs dong.